Take our surveys - your voice is heard
Have you seen The Invisible Project documentary recently? We'd love to hear your feedback. This short survey should take about 15 minutes. Please take a look and thoughtfully answer the questions. It does not matter whether or not you are a woman, or even a veteran for that matter. We appreciate your time and thoughts!
If you have not seen the documentary, and would like to privately screen the film, please contact the administrator with a request for a link and one will be provided with a temporary password.
Also, don't forget to register for updates so you are aware of the events we have planned for the coming year.
Grace After Fire has been working with nurse researcher, Dr. Wyona Freysteinson at Texas Woman’s University, on body image research for veterans.
Dr. Freysteinson has done body image research with several populations. One difficult experience is looking in a mirror.
Veterans who have never suffered trauma and those who have suffered trauma are needed to assist in validating a new body image tool. This survey is a test of a new questionnaire to measure the mirror experience. The questionnaire will be used in future research studies to measure the success or failure of interventions aimed at helping veterans view themselves in the mirror after suffering traumatic episodes.